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Helping over three million professionals worldwide, monthly.

Geekflare produces high-quality technology & finance articles, makes tools, and APIs to help businesses and people grow.

Past, Present, and Future.

Launched in 2015 by Chandan Kumar, an attempt to help the people by sharing knowledge and ideas. Geekflare was more like keeping a personal reference journal. However, we soon realized how the articles were helping others at work.

Today, Geekflare has more than 1500 articles, over 35 tools, and, most importantly, lovely readers like you. We are registered in the United Kingdom with Rity Anand managing the operations.

Geekflare continues to invest in producing high-quality articles and tools to help people and businesses around the world.

Thank you 🙏 for shaping Geekflare into what it is today!

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Power Your Business

Here are some of the tools and services to help your business grow.

Invicti uses the Proof-Based Scanning™ to automatically verify the identified vulnerabilities and generate actionable results within just hours.

Try Invicti

Web scraping, residential proxy, proxy manager, web unlocker, search engine crawler, and all you need to collect web data.

Try Brightdata

Vultr features the latest generation CPUs and an intuitive control panel, along with 100% KVM virtualization.

Try Vultr

Semrush is an all-in-one digital marketing solution with more than 50 tools in SEO, social media, and content marketing.

Try Semrush